venerdì 9 luglio 2010

Le terme romane a Reggio Calabria

Le " terme romane "conservano una piccola porzione, con tappeti a mosaico, dell'impianto di alcune terme private della media età imperiale. Le terme si dovevano trovare all'esterno della cinta muraria di epoca classica, vicino al fiume Apsia ( odierno Calopinace ), da cui dovevano giungere le acque per i bagni. La struttura aveva anche una palestra ( un gymnasion ) per gli esercizi ginnici, con un portico di cui si conservano numerose colonne, parte in palazzi limitrofi, parte ritrovate in mare.

The " roman baths ", with their mosaic floors, are a small part of a private bath system dating back to the mid-imperial age. The baths must have been situated outside the city walls of the classical age, near to the Apsia river the modern day Calopinace) , which would have provided them with water. The structure also had a gym ( gymnasion ) for exercises, of whose portico many columns remain, some found in nearby buildings, others in the sea.

11 commenti:

  1. Hi B.S. this is a place beautiful, great pictures,
    s.a. sempre

  2. Extraordinary. The history of this place is amazing. The second photo with the ancient ruins and the modern cars makes a great juxtaposition.

  3. Excellent Elettra - you certainly do get around to get the diverse range of photographs.

    Wonder what was used as cement and sealant to keep the water in.

  4. Elettra, You can't imagine how fascinating and wonderful this is to California eyes. It is thrilling to see back 2000 years.

  5. Hello Elletra,

    thank's for your comment in my blog.
    Wow, your Blog is verry verry nice.
    What wonderful pictures!!!!!
    I must follow you ;o)))

    Have a nice sunny weekend!
    Love ,

  6. Hello Elettra

    Compliments for your photo's, I like them very much.

    Warm greetings, Joop

  7. Molte grazie per la tua visita al mio blog. Mi affaccio al tuo e mi stupiscono quelle terme, con un'interessante collezione di immagini che ci trasportano al passato.



  8. Ciao yourself, Elettra! And thanks again for stopping by our blog!

    This is a great series...isn't it amazing how so much of this still exists. The only Roman baths I've seen were in Rabat, Morocco many years ago...but I was fascinated by them!

  9. Wonderful post!
    Interesting place, beautiful photos........

  10. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures of the Roman Baths. The sense of history at this site must be amazing.


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